Monday, July 16, 2018

Python Programming for Teens


I am currently working on creating a learning path for younger people that are interested in computer programming and concepts.  Please see the Python Programming for Teens link in the right pane for additional information.

Teach Kids Programming from Scratch

Developed at MIT for kids ages 8 and up, Scratch is a new programming language that is very visual in nature. The basic logic statements are shown and the programmer can then drag them into place and type in new variables. I had a program going in about 20 seconds! And if you’ve ever seen me code, you know that’s miraculous.

The Scratch is an optional starting point for learning programming concepts.  Raspberry Pi Getting Started with Scratch tutorial.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Database Design (Work in Progress)

Design the database.  Will add tables as needed to enhance features.  I'm short-cutting much here because I want to get started on the development so the learning can begin.  I could use a data modeling or ERD tool but I'm going to skip that for the moment and jump straight to database design and development.  I'm going to start simple - implement base functionality - and then move on to more advanced concepts and features.

App Design - Wireframing

Start App Design using a wireframing tool called Mockingbird.

And produced the follow early prototype:

Early Design Concepts

Sapo Early Design Concepts

  1. Will require login to access task lists
  2. Will have a social component to is so that one may share tasks with "friends"
  3. Will have a scheduling component to it so that events can be shared and notification created for self and "friends"
  4. Tasks, to do items, and events must be readily categorized (e.g. personal, work, home, etc)
  5. Allow alerts to mobile device for deadlines and appts
  6. Allow easy entry on mobile devices
  7. Application should upscale to the desktop for ubiquitous access
  8. Calendar features
  9. Location features
  10. Integrate with Facebook and Twitter (e.g. share tasks, events, personal goings on with others on these two)
  11. more to come...

Assemble Toolkit

OK.  So this is really surveying for all the tools I'm going to need to do this project.  I begin by thinking about concepts for an applications that would be a good stretch to this project's legs - so to speak.

The concept I've come up with is a mixture between the Getting Things Done and a To Do list.  I know it's early but I'm going to name it "Sapo" (Simple App for Personal Organization).

Next, as I begin to think about design, development, code versioning, and the like, I turned to obtaining reference cards for some of what I'll need to get the job done.  A great resource for reference cards brought to you by  Reference cards can be found at:

Getting Started

Hello World!

I am about to embark on a mission to create an iPhone app that is both useful and created using HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (jQuery), PHP, MySQL, Responsive Web Design (RWD), GitHub, and Apache Cordova.

It is my project designed to allow me to learn multiple facets of mobile development and open source projects.

Join me if you wish to participate by either watching or contributing.

Let's get started!

Python Programming for Teens

Introduction I am currently working on creating a learning path for younger people that are interested in computer programming and concep...